Word of God

by Dale Russell

  • At each presentation there are old friends to greet and new faces.

Coming back into the prisons after all the 2+ years COVID nonsense, it was refreshing to see old friends. The encounters were easy. Much like starting where we had left off, because of the strong connections and trust already made. What was amazing was the appearance of new people, who had heard from the old friends about Visions of Hope. We have no doubt that God had more to do with this than any conversations. Coming to a prison chapel service is not just showing up at the door. You have to be on a call-out list and make sure you remain on that list. Persistence is required. God opens doors that can’t be shut.

  • He never fails to present a roller coaster ride of emotions. If you want an encounter inside the prison walls to be memorable, just add tears or laughter. Sometimes it is planned, but most times it just shows up. We have seen the toughest individual in the room melt into a puddle of weeping. God opens up the opportunity for personal encounters in these times and it is impossible to ignore.
  • His Holy Spirit finds those who need a new life.  During a presentation we give an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to change lives. You keep it simple and never try to put anyone in the spotlight. Prison culture does not look kindly on that, but you can invite anyone to prayer after the service. Recently, a former youth pastor who made a terrible mistake and lost his family, prayed with one of us and committed to turn his life away from rebellion and back to God.
  • There is a continual flow of inmate art. We have now digitized over 3000 pieces of inmate art. Even during COVID hundreds of pieces still came our way. These men and women are deeply committed to support the Otino Waa Children’s Village kids. 100% of the art sales goes to them and do date, that exceeds $109,000.
  • Stronger ties are made with the Otino Waa kids. Each time we present we bring reports and stories from Uganda. Video is best, as much stronger impressions are made with voices and actions. Recently, we showed a very short video of the kids on the playground. You would have thought it was Christmas in the way it was received by the inmates!
  • Overcoming obstacles and seemingly closed doors is normal.  To some it might seem silly to pray over equipment before it enters prison doors, but the fact is certain that the enemy loves to create havoc. A laptop that worked fine a few hours ago, stares at you with a blue screen as you desperately try to get the Power Point up. Outside in the parking lot it works fine.

The very important paperwork required to get inside has somehow disappeared, even though multiple copies were hand carried to the officer. You have to pray over everything. Sad when you forget. Joyful when success shows up.

  • Discovering purpose is always a goal.  So many AIC (Adults in Custody) have made a mess out of their families. That could have been years ago, but we want to make sure they are reminded that the past does not have to define you. God has plans, and we want to be part of that process.

Connecting with the Otino Waa kids can be huge. It is much like a start over point as a dad or mom. As we see the relationship grow over the months and years, you get to see the real person behind the uniform with numbers stenciled on the front.

A great example is AIC Timothy. He has sponsored Julia for over eight years and writes a long letter every month, including a lengthy prayer asking the Lord to watch over both of them. When his cell mate died, Timothy took over that sponsorship and writes Jasper in the same way.


  • Each AIC sponsor does so with $5/mo. We promise to find a matching partner who doubles that. 100% goes to Otino Waa Children’s Village, Uganda.   MATCHING HERE
  • There are multiple art groups formed inside prisons. Our promise is to provide quality art supplies via their annual supply budget of $3750 for all groups. The promise can only be fulfilled with your help.    $ HERE
  • Go with us to a prison visit. Seeing what God does on the inside changes everything.  


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