World Changer??

world changer

By AIC Timothy Espinoza

World changer. It’s got an interesting ring to it. My mind first thought, whoa, that’s something very few people can actually claim. I mean, the world is a big place, so you’ve got to have some major influence to really change it. Influence usually takes a lot of money or maybe time, or special talents. You have to have enough of these things to truly change the world. Who can really claim that?

That was my starting place when I first heard someone call me a world changer a few years ago. I wasn’t the only one being addressed. I was sitting in prison chapel with about 100 other men who were all felons like myself. The audacious speakers were from Visions of Hope.

As they went on talking about world changers, they began speaking about the youth of Otino Waa Children’s Village in Uganda. “These too, are world changers!” they declared. These are often from impoverished villages in a nation with so many challenges. They spoke as if they knew something I didn’t, or maybe something I’ve been conditioned not to believe.

Two seemingly desperate groups of people, prisoners, and orphans. Now, how did these speakers ever get it into their heads that we could be, or were in fact, world changers?

After hearing him out and recalling verses from the Bible that supported what he was saying, I had to acknowledge it’s validity. We were, in fact, changing the world, one occasion of influence, one insignificant gift at a time. All of these change the world from what it was before to what it is after.

I pray for and support my sponsored kids at Otino Waa, recognizing that they are, in fact, world changers. I’m pretty sure they view me the same way. We are separated by oceans and continents, but we’re changing the world together, one selfless act at a time. Because of Jesus Christ, Visions of Hope has changed the lives of Juliet Akello, Jasper Adaya and even Tim Espinoza. From orphans and prisoners to authentic world changers! How amazing to claim this considering where we have all come from!

But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.

1 Peter 2:9-10


Ever considered yourself as a world changer? As Timothy said, it’s something few people can claim. But what if was very simple? What if YOU became a world changer within the next few moments?

As you now know, Timothy sponsors two children at Otino Waa. He has faithfully given $5 a month for each and his investment gains him world changer status. Just ask Juliet or Jasper. You can be part of that relationship by matching each of those sponsorships and add to the world changing process as lives are transformed on both sides of the world.

And our promise – 100% of ALL funds support the Otino Waa children.

Ready? Start HERE.


“If you want to change the world, find someone to help you paddle.”

W. McRaven

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