Doing the Impossible. Part 2


Visions of Hope has taken multiple teams to Uganda (Otino Waa Children’s Village) over the years, and on the 25th we will lead one more. We have prayed for, and thought long about, the possibility of including parolees on a team. Yep, you read that correctly. Former prisoners to Uganda. That desire now looks like reality, but as you can imagine there are many hurdles to cross.

We have three parolees, one male and two females, who have been sponsors for a combined total of 26 years. (!) Their connection remains outside of incarceration, and now they desire to take things a step further – go to Uganda! The excitement is palpable, and the anticipation of great things takes on a whole new level for all of us.

But wait. You are thinking there has to be major obstacles. You already formed questions in your mind like……..

How does a parolee get a passport?- This one proved to be the easiest. It seems anyone can obtain one. Normal process, no probing questions.

How do you get permission from a parole board? And it gets a bit trickier. A parole officer has some say in the process and for the most part, all went well except for one of them. There was an initial denial. That calls for a bit of time on your knees. The Lord already knew the answer. The good news is that the parole board has the final say, and success was found in that level.

Would Uganda allow such a thing? You must obtain a visa to enter the country. How many red flags might that raise? It is the final permission that must be found – with all the above already in place, including a copy of your travel itinerary (air fare) detailing the exit plan from Uganda. One of the questions asks for details of your felony record. With a bit of concern, we all waited for Uganda’s response. Praise God, all three were approved within three days!

And what about Otino Waa (PATH Ministries).? 
This step was actually the first consideration back in the fall. We had to be sure all concerns from the board of directors were addressed. With our recommendations for each individually, there was complete permission granted, and we were grateful to be off on this adventure.

Now, what talents would this team take to Otino Waa? A quick overview:

  • Form a bell choir (yeah, remember those?) with the Otino Waa kids to perform at the local church.
  • Lead a bible study with the house moms.
  • Share information with the social workers about childhood behavioral challenges.
  • Provide basic anatomy for two classes in Primary and Secondary.
  • Compare prison beekeeping with Otino Waa’s bee program.
  • Introduce the importance and care of a butterfly population.
  • Two team members (parolees) will preach/teach at two churches.
  • Share Christian music videos from all over the world.
  • Games and crafts in the homes at lunch each day.
  • Give personal testimonies on a local radio station. (Broadcast to about 1 million listeners)
  • Provide sports equipment for afternoon interactions with the kids.
  • Provide video interviews of the kids to take back to their AIC sponsors.
  • Assist in the medical clinic (two members trained in nursing.)
  • Provide an approved movie and popcorn & soda for an evening of interactions with the kids!

The rest of the story is within the second portion of our time in Uganda. We will join with Russ and Rhonda (Journey International) as we observe and help them with various projects, including a medical outreach, in the extreme poverty of northern Uganda. As always, this will be an eye opener for all of us.

This endeavor is historic for Visions of Hope. Team activity will be taken to a new level not seen before, and we will do our best to document everything. I think the highlights will be the very first interactions of the parolees and their sponsored Otino Waa child. High priority to have a camera close by!

Now, how can you be a part of this?

And he said to them,

“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

Mark 16:15

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