Hey Momma, I Love You

and time stays the same

By AIC H. Crow

Hey Mama I love you,

Saddened by pain I’ve put you through.

Another kid uncaring in attitude,

My ignorance in youth to your story and background,

As a man now pleased to describe in noun,

How a lifetimes journey becomes profound.

A past full of moments gone,

Many years left and remembered in song.

How heart, mind, and soul in God stays strong,

Provided by divine control in our time.

For us, it’s every bit benign,

Work and nourish the families root and vine.

It is of the essence,

That we capture precious moments presence,

For soon the days shall fade,

And be a future night’s charade.

We have forever,

Though not on this earth,

To cherish together,

The body’s birth to its hearse.

Infant perception once a tether,

Full grown realities we now weather.

No questions remain,

That we cherish the day and glorify His name,

As seasons change and time here stays the same.

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