Impatient to get out of prison

My world was over

by AIC Brooklyn S

Almost everyone you could talk to behind bars is impatient to get out of prison, and I’m no exception.

If I hadn’t become incarcerated, I think I’d be dead by now. Certainly dead in spirit. Too long had my focus been chasing the next buzz or adrenaline rush. I had forgotten the joys of daily motherhood, being a good wife, or serving a just and loving God.

You would think that my first night in jail would be enough to turn me back to the Father. I’m the stubborn sort. I accepted my itchy blankets and my serving of slop with tongue in cheek. I was certain this would all soon pass, and I could go back to having a good time.

Then one day, my 15 year old child was hit head on by a truck while biking to school. She was life flighted from the side of the road. Survival was uncertain.

Many surgeries and hospital stays later, she is alive and healthy. That’s a shocking moment. It changed the world as I had known it. I felt life was over. I fell to my knees and started praying. I haven’t stopped.

Don’t wait for something tragic to happen for God to have your attention. It may never happen. One day it might be too late for you. Falling to your knees right now might be more important than your pride. Don’t stop the communication.

Those who are most aware of their weaknesses are most receptive to God’s grace. 

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