“Oh, What a Life”


By AIC Artist J. Gibbs

I always enjoy drawing / painting hummingbirds. They are so majestic looking and happen to be one of the few good and peaceful memories of my childhood.

My first memory of a hummingbird was from one of the foster homes I was in. The house was well out of town in a forested area of several acres. There was plenty of wildlife to fall in love with. The parade of creatures was endless and still sticks in my memories.

One day, I was leaning on the back of the couch, looking out a large plate glass window. The hummingbirds would love to hover in front of it. I think they sometimes would be staring at me, a familiar face, just as much as I was admiring them. At other times, I think they just wanted a better look at themselves. They would be turning this way and that, as they hovered in front of me. The colors were so bright, almost like they were powered by the sun. I thought it was so cool that they could not just fly, but could hover, stopping in midair wherever they wanted. The grace would captivate me.

Now the challenge is to draw the same vibrance, beauty and personality. At least I can bring my mind back to those days that demonstrated freedom.

To be so free. Oh, what a life.

Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be.

Daniel J. Boorstin

 The Spirit of the Lord God is on me.

The Lord has chosen me to tell good news to the poor

and to comfort those who are sad.

He sent me to tell the captives and prisoners

that they have been set free.

Isaiah 61:1

Would you like to be an encouragement to Artist J. Gibbs?

He is part of the art group at SRCI who depend on us to provide quality art supplies.

Please consider how you can help.


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