The children of Otino Waa Children’s Village have seen the brutality of a rebel force and the effects of HIV/AIDS destroy their families. But today hundreds of orphaned children have the opportunity for a new family, healthcare, education, and very personal hope for the future!
Through art sales and sponsorships, we connect inmates to orphaned children. We have customized orphan sponsorship for the prison culture: Five dollars per month is a sacrifice for an adult in custody, but it adds ownership to the relationship. And now you can easily add to the connection by matching the sponsorship.
“Sponsorship tells me I have value and hope.”
“It gives me an opportunity to communicate with a unique person.”
“My sponsor reminds me God has not forgotten me.”
“This expands my world and gives my life much more meaning.”

Over 125 Orphans…
…are being sponsored in part by 115 incarcerated men and women from fourteen prisons throughout Oregon.