By AIC artist J. Gibbs
I began this piece with the beauty of the simple things in mind. Often, we find ourselves living moment to moment, trying to think about tomorrow. God said to let tomorrow worry about itself. When we let our minds settle on God and trust in His plan, we will find ourselves seeing the beauty of the simplest things. Even something so mundane and every day, like a glistening drop of water sitting on a single blade of grass.
Train your mind to be calm and settled on God and your heart will follow, becoming a heart for God.
May we all find our calm.
“I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you.
I give you peace in a different way than the world does.
So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid.
John 14:27
Hi J. Gibbs,
Thank you for sharing your eloquent thoughts and beautiful rendering of Simple Beauty. Both have given me pause to meditate on God’s unique creation and take the time to ponder His simple gifts. Thank you for including John 14:27 as a sweet reminder to ponder God’s Word and seek His presence. Additionally, my special take-away is your suggestion to train my mind to be calm by focusing on my Heavenly Father letting Him strengthen my heart. Therein lies the peace of John 14:27.
With blessings and prayers for you, Diane