The Value of Innocence

Created and written by AIC artist D. Ellis

I find hope in the innocent things of the world. It’s what we all should strive to be, innocent in certain ways. But here’s the thing, we’re all flawed and make mistakes. But when I see something cute or innocent, and without flaws, I think that maybe I can help that person or thing learn not to make my mistakes or to just stay innocent for as long as possible. That way there might be hope for the future.

I hope that looking upon this piece of art, I can inspire someone else to think the same. I hope it will encourage them to be unoffendable, blameless, or free from guilt. You’ve broken no laws, committed no sins, and are not guilty of any morally evil act. If we all had trust, honesty, integrity and enthusiasm for each of these, I imagine we would have much more than the outlook on life like this puppy.

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