prison hallway

by AIC H. Marsh

Intro by Dale Russell

It is always a delight to see more and more AICs (adult in custody) contribute to our blog posts. Today we introduce Howell, as he shares some answers to questions posed during 2020 and COVID in prison. As we see small glimpses of life behind those walls, I trust it gives us an opportunity to mentally trade places and explore basic humanity and how God sees us all.

Q. As a contributing artist, how does it make you feel about the lives of the Otino Waa kids?

H. I have great joy in sharing my images with the Otino Waa family and those here in Oregon who happen to see them. God has truly given my spirit a focus point in my travels towards Him. I have not been part of the core art group, but you have graciously allowed me to donate since about 2010. One of my favorite memories is when you told me my art seemed to sell quite quickly! I had never considered my art having such important purpose until you came to SRCI and shared the long term impact. To be part of the lives of the next leaders of Uganda was beyond my imagination. To tell us we are World Changers makes no sense until you kindly brought us proof!

Q. What effect does the programs / presentations of Visions of Hope have on you?

H. You all and the Otino Waa family helped me in many ways. You encourage a sense of family that includes me. Imagine that!  All human beings should be reassured in this way. I feel treated as an honored brother, not an outcast.

You gave me a measure of self-worth through my art skills. The art actually had value! I was no longer a caged animal behind those glass windows.

You did not define me by my difficult past, but instead, insisted on seeing who I had become in Jesus Christ.

You encouraged me to follow instructions in the bible. You took the part about “visiting me in prison,” (Matthew 25:36) seriously and made it clear it was important.

Q. What is your job in prison?

H. During these COVID lockdowns my job is considered “essential”. I help clean and disinfect the SRCI Intake and Release unit. I also have been the Instructor/Trainer for the Body Spills Cleanup Team. This includes cleaning up after assaults, suicides, murders and sex crimes. In spite of these horrible situations, I work 6-8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Many times, to recover from the distress I go directly to my art and enjoy the fact that my hands are providing more than mop up, but essential hope to others. It has been very stabilizing.

Q. How would you describe life under COVID lockdowns?

H. At its worst, for most men here, it was 24 hours of confinement in an 8×12, two bunk restroom, complete with body odors, sack lunches and no showers. To be released from that for my job seems like heaven.

It is easy for many to become bitter with a constant slam against guards or any staff that seem an easy target for outrage. I could be that way too were it not for Visions of Hope and my relationship with Otino Waa. What an amazing breakthrough to rise above the nonsense that permeates this place.

With my relationship with the Lord and all that Visions of Hope has provided me, I want my life to be defined as serving others and watch out for the works of cruelty that lurk around every corner.

The evil person that came to prison 20 years ago is not here anymore. I am eligible for parole in June and want to continue seeking the plans God has for me.

What could you do to enhance Howell’s life? Simple. Write him a note to be included in our monthly newsletter to over 400 inmates.  A simple statement might be all that is needed to change the course of a difficult day.


1 thought on ““YOU VISITED ME IN PRISON””

  1. Dear AIC’s
    Can you possibly know how deeply meaningful and impactful it is to hear you are living as a new creation in the light of the forgiveness and love found only through Jesus Christ. Though you have been burdened with dreadful circumstances, particularly since Covid, you have indeed found respite for your souls by being yoked to Jesus (Matt 11:28-30). Hopefully before too long we will be allowed to return to visit you in person. “ Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might.” (Eph 6:10)

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