A Marvel

hearts as one

By ACI Tim Espinoza

I was enthralled recently as I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about an interesting phenomenon. Apparently, researchers have discovered that when people listen to the same story, their hearts begin to beat as one.

Naturally, I was skeptical, then I began to ponder. As I read on, I grew even more astounded. The article went on to say that this phenomenon was not hindered by distance. People could literally be separated by oceans and yet, the same story would have this most remarkable effect upon them.

Assuming the reader is familiar with Visions of Hope (VOH), they know that it is akin to a threefold cord comprised of VOH volunteers, Otino Waa Children’s Village (OTW) orphans and Adults in Custody, (AIC). VOH facilitates all communication between orphans and AIC, enhancing the bond which exists among all three. With COVID that has been a bit more complicated, but still remains.

In their role as the tie that binds, VOH visits both orphans and AIC’s. They send gifts and letters from AIC, and also facilitate the same from the OTW side of the world. This fosters a vital connection, but like many things over the last couple of years, it’s been strained, or has it? After all, what could be said to connect people more than their hearts literally beating as one? And what book do VOH, OTW and AIC all read alike? The Bible, that book that God uses to unite his own and invite them into the story of his Son.

Although the ability to fellowship physically is presently hindered, we’re all reading God’s Word and through this, our connection is thriving.

It simply amazes me that God has designed us so, but why wouldn’t he? He knew that distance would, at times, hamper our fellowship. Through his Spirit and Word his children’s unity is as sure as that threefold cord which is not easily broken.

By yourself you’re unprotected.
With a friend you can face the worst.
Can you round up a third?
A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.

Ecclesiastes 4:12

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