He Came to Kill, Steal & Destroy

Word of God

By AIC Shane Hall

After just a month of being at this prison location, the day came where God said to my heart, “Shane, go to the yard, with your Bible, sit down and wait.” Within minutes, a man walked up and said, “Can I see what you’re studying?” We talked, and that one study in the book of Peter became three men, then seven, and before I knew it, 18 men wanted to attend the same study.

Do to COVID we could only gather about 10 at a time in the corner of my unit, So, the studies were held over a few days to keep everyone on the same page. As the study grew from there, it also spilled over into our neighboring unit. At that point they all requested that as soon as the restrictions are lifted, they wanted to be a part of a group study as well.

As God was moving in the hearts of these men, He was also working through others and the numbers continued to increase. clerks in the Chapel. Chaplain Ball graciously allowed us to hold the study in a side room of the Chapel. Within just two weeks, we had so many men that we outgrew that room, and were turning men away. Enthused by what was taking place Chaplain Ball, once again, supported. God’s work and allowed us to use the main Chapel once a week in order that no one be turned away. This is truly an embodiment of the body of Christ working in one accord to spread the Gospel of Jesus.

I cannot tell the story without describing what I witnessed every time we have church and all I see on the faces of these men. You have to understand a good portion of these young men have never really heard the word of God. When I was teaching about the birth of our Savior, most didn’t know who Joseph and Mary were. Yet, in the midst of our studies, there is no whispering to their buddies., looking at the clock, but an eager and thrilled face with eyes as if they were children at VBS or sunday school. I’ve seen this face and eyes within pictures and video we have seen from Uganda with the Otino Waa kids. What God brings to each study they literally devour. It seems as if they might be called the Christian Wolfpack.

We were able to meet in Chapel just twice and then COVID hit once more and shut us down. We were back to very small groups in our own units. Although it was only a shot in the arm, it didn’t seem to stop the fervor the Holy Spirit was stirring in the hearts of these men.

If you’ve ever been a part of a great move of God, you also are very aware how our enemy hates such enthusiasm for God’s Word. Jesus warned us a long time ago of Satan’s schemes in John 10:10, “The devil came to kill, steal and destroy.” I reminded everyone he would make a move in order to separate and divide the group.

Just five weeks ago, during restrictions, that ancient enemy made his move against God’s chosen. A man had been transferred from another institution and arrived on our unit. This guy has a tough exterior. He carries himself with an attitude as if a fight was just about to happen and he would be the last man standing. He didn’t attend our study but became acquainted with several of the men who did. The strange thing was that I recognized this man but wasn’t quite sure how to place him. 

One night, the unit that was so filled with spiritual enthusiasm, quickly became dark.  This man had a friend on the outside look up everyone’s charges and then revealed the news to all the unit. Immediately the division began. Wolf Pack began to turn on one another due to the unfortunate fact that some of them had lied about the reason they were in prison. So many times, for self-preservation, you keep some things to yourself. A non-bible study man came to me and said, “You better come out and try to fix this ’cause your boys are in trouble.” The enemy had made his move, but as always, God prevailed and with some crisis management all became well. Yet, what am I to do with this man who created so much conflict?

Two weeks ago, restrictions on gathering were lifted and the Chapel opened up again for use. The night before that, I went out to exercise in the yard and this man also came out. As fate would have it, it was just he and I. I quickly prayed for what I would do next. I walked up and said, “Tomorrow is church up in the Chapel, 9:00 AM. I want you to be there, OK?” He said, “You really want me to come to church?”  “Yes”, I said. He replied, “If you want me there, I’ll come as long as you wake me up.”

I tell you, the unit was abuzz knowing this man was actually coming to church. Some of the men questioned the sanity of this, but I told them there is a place there for everyone.

He came to church, and not only did he return the next week, the same man who brought in a bad report was now using the same voice to tell everyone about church. Light had chased darkness away. To top it off, a few days ago he walked up and said to me., “Shane, weren’t you at the Two Rivers prison and used to lead the worship and sometimes teaching there?” I acknowledge that and he smiled and said, “You baptized me on a Tuesday night there three years ago.” As he recalled that night with a bit of emotion, my mind finally put it all together. I wish I had figured this out a bit sooner, but as Romans 8:28-29 explains, all things work out for the good just as God plans it. What the devil had planned for bad, became glory for God. None of these things could take place without a group of believers following the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

One last praise – this past Wednesday night’s study included nine men giving their life to Christ. Baptism coming up on Monday!

God continues to work.

1 thought on “He Came to Kill, Steal & Destroy”

  1. Debbie Espinoza

    Oh Shane- your story gives me goosebumps! Praise God, Praise God! Keep on listening to the Holy Spirit and bringing the light of Jesus to these men. They will live in the light because the darkness has never been able to extinguish that light!

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