towards home

by AIC G. Ehler

I’ve lost my way
So many times before
So dark and dank,
I couldn’t find the door.
Angels ministered,
But I did not listen.
The world around me,
 Oh, how it glistened!
Distractions abound
All around my life.
You kept calling
Through my strife.
Then I climbed out
From the pit of despair.
That’s where you found me,
Lifting me with care.
Like clay you molded me,
You turned my life around.
I once was lost,
But through grace I’m found!
You gave me talents
To use at your will.
Sometimes, I forget
They are yours still!
Discipline with works
You keep calling me.
My heart is opening up,
My spirit finally sees!
To come to you fully,
Not a shred left behind.
Oh, what a treasure,
Oh, what a find!
To know you Lord,
As I do this day.
To come even closer,
I shout hurray!
I called on the father
Who hears my prayers.
Just call on Him yourself,
And He will be there!

Inmate Ehler knows dignity comes from understanding who you are in God. That discovery has been made by hundreds of AIC who sponsor Otino Waa kids. They also gain self-worth from knowing they have YOU as a matching partner in their $5 sponsorships.

At first, they might ask, “Who does such a thing for me?” Once they see promises fulfilled they beam with excitement.

Want to instill self-worth or dignity? Become a matching partner today! So easy right here.

1 thought on “COMING HOME”

  1. Your poem touched my heart Mr. Ehler. It blesses me so very much when I hear of men like you stepping into all that God wants for your life. Your beautiful spirit shines through in this poem. Keep moving closer and closer to your Savior and these wonderful poems will pour out of your spirit. He knows you like no other and He loves you more than you can even imagine.
    Thank you for submitting this awesome poem so we can all be blessed!

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