open heart + map

“To know the will of God, we need an open Bible and open map.”

William Carey

Our Visions of Hope Team has now been back for about a month. We are still laboring through an abundance of video files, trying hard to explain our experiences (abbreviated versions) to all those who ask questions, adding prison dates to the calendar, and preparing purposeful presentations to all our AIC’s.

This was our eighth trip with a team to Uganda and Otino Waa Children’s Village. Each time has its own personality, distinctive projects, and time frames.  I have to say, this one seemed to have an abundance of stories that only God could bless us with. (I’m considering how to set aside those narratives to share with you.)

Upon return there are always lots of questions concerning the purpose and structure of the trip.  Here are the most asked.

ARE THESE TRIPS REALLY NECESSARY?  First, there is always a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Ugandan culture and a greater sense of empathy and compassion for those we serve in prison. Our goal is to bring lives together from two distant sides of the world. If we interact with inmates (AIC) that is only half of the relationship. There’s no doubt that during short-term mission trips you can expect God to show up and teach you how to love others, serve him, and make a difference wherever you go. When you do this through an effective mission trip, Jesus can transform lives through us. That makes it much more personal and long lasting.

HOW LONG DID YOU STAY?   This trip was a bit longer as we split it into two parts. The first 10 days at Otino Waa were full of various projects and elective classes for the students. After a two-day break at a national park, two team members had to be back for pressing commitments. The five of us transitioned to Journey International, Russ and Rhonda Rhoden, and added six more days with them in deep, rural areas of N. Uganda.

WOULDN’T SENDING $ TO UGANDA MAKE MORE SENSE?  About $3K is required to fully fund an individual team member. If you ask each of them, I’m certain the response would be the same. 1. Some funding came from those acquaintances who LOVED and longed for the opportunity to partner with them. 2. Seeing, hearing, and interacting with the Otino Waa kids and staff, or the Ugandan people, cannot be duplicated elsewhere. 3. Seeing and experiencing the deepest poverty affects you in long lasting ways. You see how you can truly help with a variety of approaches. 4.  To fully understand the unique relationship between AIC and Otino Waa is to be with both. My check book has never done that.

WHAT WAS THE BEST MOMENT?  You would likely get seven different answers from the team. For me, it was each of the emotional moments during the video interviews. You know that the connections between AIC and Otino Waa have been made demonstrating the depth of purpose on both sides. Example;

Also, seeing each of the team members using their God given talents to the max, makes you appreciate them and their, sometimes, hidden abilities. Six months ago, they might have said, “What could I possibly do to make a difference?”  Now we know.

WHAT WAS THE WORST?  No doubt, the 38 hours of total air travel. To assemble 200+ passengers on a plane and observe how to creatively rile your fellow travelers is beyond description. There should be sympathy cards upon arrival.  And then there is that complicated relationship with your backpack.

WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAYS?  After a break of four years, we were long overdue for a return. Many of the newer students had little info on Visions of Hope. Now, everyone at Otino Waa knows.

Last fall we began one of the projects by gathering video messages from the AIC, as well as the first stage of an art project. Each AIC traced their hand on paper and wrote a brief message. At Otino Waa the kids’ hands were inked and placed inside those outlines. A return message was added. These bring a smile from the Otino Waa kids and a burst of emotion from the AIC as they are the final recipients.

Messages between AIC and Otino Waa

SO, WHAT’S NEXT FOR YOU?  Suggestions:

  • Join us for a prison visit. Your interactions and impressions might lead to so much more. Ask our team.
  • Ask what you could do to help Visions of Hope. Would you be willing to share your talents? We would love to see the beauty of God through your life!
  • Pray for those inside prison who have yet to discover purpose and how we can change that in great “God story” ways.


SPEAKING OF GOD STORIES – WHAT WERE SOME?   This blog is a bit too long already. Next time!

1 thought on “Making a Lasting Impact”

  1. Wow. Becca’s words and demeanor tell the story. Praise the Lord for your ministry!

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