Praying for YOU at 2:30am


(Intro by Dale Russell)

As we continue to provide opportunity to our AIC (Adult in Custody) contacts to give us glimpses into their lives, here is an example of how love and concern shows up with grace. This becomes a natural process when God redeems and transforms. Don’t you find it amazing that even when we might forget those in prison, they do not forget you?


Dear brothers and sisters with Visions of Hope,

God’s peace and grace be upon you. I am so blessed to be able to give to your ministry! What a privilege! What an awesome work you all are doing through our precious Lord. I love your visits here at TRCI! (Two Rivers Correctional)

I am freer in here than I ever was on the outside

I’ve been locked up for over 21 years now. I got born again in the my first year in prison. Our gracious Lord has transformed me from the inside out. I am freer in here than I ever was on the outside streets and God has faithfully never let me down. He has always provided for my needs. So much comfort, peace, joy, love and strength in Him.

This prison is my mission field

By God’s grace I am learning to truly trust him and discover what I have in Him and who I am in Him.  I’m learning to appreciate that he understands my falls and my struggles. He has truly set me free. This prison is my mission field. Praise to our awesome Lord!

I’d like to tithe 10% or more of my income to you for whatever needs there are. I used to sponsor a child a few years back but stopped because I slid back into a former mindset and got very self-centered. Praise God, He received me mercifully. He so loving and so very understanding I would like to start sponsoring again if that is OK. Just let me know what I should do.

…at 2:30am I’m praying for you all

I want you all to be encouraged that at 2:30 AM I’m praying for everyone connected to VOH, then all of the kids in Uganda. I get up that early because I go to work at 3:30 AM in the kitchen. What an honor to be able to pray for you all! We get to come before the throne of grace to receive mercy in our time of need which is always what I love to see happen.

Thanks again for all you do,

Your friend Robert


Robert sponsors Emmanuel at Otino Waa Children’s Village, Uganda. He consistently does this for $5/mo. Our promise to him is that you would also be a part of their relationship and match his $5. Would that be a worthy investment in lives? Would that help define purpose in your own life?


1 thought on “Praying for YOU at 2:30am”

  1. It’s so humbling to read of you praying for those on the outside! It’s a wonderful reminder to keep praying for you and your witness on the “inside”! Witnessing in prison takes more grace and boldness than I can imagine! May the Lord continue to give you His strength and mercies that are new everyday. Thanks for sharing Dale!

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