The Beginning

write a letter

(intro by Dale Russell)

Having to produce a blog piece two to three times per month is much like waiting for inspiration to find you. I don’t think I’m that far away, but the moment of revelation seems to wait for lightening to strike. Recently we selected a few of our prisoner contacts to ask a favor. We inquired if they would be willing to contribute stories to the “blog cause.”  We are beginning to see the response and today is a wonderful glimpse of an Otino Waa child’s relationship to Timothy, an Adult in Custody.

As you read this there are especially important considerations. How has the Lord impacted Timothy inside prison AND Juliet in Uganda?  Has this glimpse into these lives revealed hope and allowed you to be drawn a bit closer?  Is there a way to discover purpose in your own life?


The Beginning      

I remember the moment vividly. Almost six years ago I was walking up the main corridor back to my unit from chapel with some friends. Visions of hope had visited and given a presentation. The topic was connecting prisoners with orphans. It was a moving presentation with engaging video, testimonies, and many scriptural references.

The distance seemed insurmountable

The presenters were a husband and wife team who shared from their hearts. I listened and was blessed to hear of the work of the Lord at Otino Waa Children’s Village, Uganda. However, when the details concerning joining in the projects were given, I listened, but for some reason the message failed to grab hold of me. Maybe it was that I have no kids, or perhaps it was due to those children being so far away in Africa. Bring the two together? The distance seemed insurmountable. Good chapel service, excellent ministry, but not for me.  

I looked at my friend as we walked up the corridor as he excitedly proclaimed, “I’m going to sponsor a kid, you should too!”  My mind quickly turned inward and whispered, “Should I?”

She is like a little sister and her letters to me are priceless”

I had known my friend as just an acquaintance for most of his time in prison. Recently, to everyone’s surprise, he had surrendered to Christ. He proved to be the proverbial new convert, zealous, diligent, and ready for every good work. I on the other hand, had long been saved and perhaps, not so ready for every good work.

My thoughts flashed in rapid succession, “Can I? Should I? Why wouldn’t I?” I am a Christian. “I must!” And just like that I committed.

Six years later my sponsored child, Juliet, has an extremely large place in my heart. She is like a little sister and her letters to me are priceless. We are united by our faith in Christ and are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens and members of the household of God.

“….introducing a distant family member and bringing them together.”

The Chapel visits from Visions of Hope have become far more than mere presentations. The ministry, with all it encompasses, has grown into a blessing beyond comparison. The work of uniting prisoners and orphans has proven more akin to introducing a distant family member and bringing them together in fellowship.

Visions of Hope reaches over prison walls, spans continents and flies across oceans, bearing letters, gifts, and blessings both ways. I cannot imagine my life without the miracles from God, including Juliet.

Timothy Espinosa

And what does Juliet say to Timothy?


Our observation of Timothy quickly shows how powerful his letters are to Juliet. He writes 2-3 each month. He is always interested in her success with so little reference to his own challenges.  Best of all, he concludes each letter with a prayer – sometimes an exceptionally long one, asking blessings, hope and success in Juliet’s life. From behind those walls he sets the bar for the rest of us.

Do you have a response to Timothy’s story?

Despite his circumstances he can reach across the world and be an important part of Juliet’s life. The two would never have been able to do that without your help. Are you willing to reach a bit farther right now?

Send a note to Timothy with your words of encouragement

Become a matching partner with Timothy. His $5/mo sponsorship of Juliet becomes $10

So speak encouraging words to one another.

Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind.

I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it.  1 Thessalonians 5:11

1 thought on “The Beginning”

  1. Timothy,
    It is so inspiring to see the commitment and faithfulness you have shown to serving the Lord and positively impacting the life of a child in need. I pray your joy will be magnified in every expression of love and encouragement that you share with your “little sister”. May God be your ever present strength and delight as you walk in the light of His grace.


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