No Such Thing as Limiting Hope

Never deprive someone of hope —
it may be all they have.

The Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky once wrote that “the degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” If our prisons speak poorly of the state of our civilization, it is largely because we care too little about what happens to them after we have locked them up. Thankfully, we can do something about that.

If you believe there is no such thing as limiting hope, how valuable is that?

There are good things going on in prison that pave the way to hope. Visions of Hope (VOH) does just what it just says – providing hope, but never without YOU.

  • 1/3 of the Otino Waa Children’s Village (OTW) kids are sponsored by an inmate. Some of you know this well as you have matched those $5 sponsorships.

Hope created

  • Since 2006 AIC in 14 prisons have contributed $173, 550 to childcare at OTW. Some of you purchased art, so this $$ always includes you. 

Hope proven

  • During non-COVID times, 90 AIC artist create an average of 40 pieces/mo. passed on to VOH. Some of you recognized the special need of quality art supplies.

Hope comes in many forms

  • VOH digitizes all art received from our AIC artists (and returns to them a 4×6 photo of it for their own portfolios). To date the art inventory includes over 2800 files.  Some of you knew how important general funding is to sustain the operations of VOH.

Hope continues with your generosity

  • Currently, the OTW children are not on site. All Ugandan schools were closed in April in response to COVID.  That does not stop the AIC sponsors who continue to write to their kids.  We receive an average of 25 letters/ week to be scanned and emailed to OTW. The kids will be facing an avalanche of letters when they return!  Some of you have sent notes to our AIC, encouraging them in what they do!

Hope comes in very personal ways

  • 95% of all AIC will return to our communities.  With a national average of 44% recidivism (a) (offending and returning to prison), studies have shown any prison arts program reduces that to 10.6%. Any faith-based program reduces it to 6.9%. (b)    Is that a worthy investment?  Some of you say yes! Hope can be long term.
  • (a) Prison Legal News (b) Right on Crime

There is no exercise better for the heart

than reaching down and lifting people up.”
― J Holmes

You will trust because there is hope;
    yes, you will search about you,
    and you will look around and rest in safety
.  Job 11:18

One of the greatest gifts you can give another human being who is going through adversity is hope. You can be the driving force of hope! Here are some quick choices that provide hope.

WRITTEN HOPE – Go to the art store. Pick one image that stands out to you. Write a quick note to the artist and we will make sure your encouragement gets to them. You just created joy in your own heart and hope in another!    SEND YOUR NOTE HERE

PARTNERED HOPE – You are amazed that prisoners are supporting orphans. You amplify the amazement when you connect in that relationship! AIC sponsor OTW kids with $5 each month. Your matching $ creates a depth of hope that helps define your purpose in life.     PARTNER HERE

NO SUCH THING AS LIMITING HOPE. At Visions of Hope we are honored to know that the Lord invited us all to a special purpose. He then provided the means (YOU) for it to be successful. As an organization we will always carry the message of HOPE.

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