The Cries of Her Babies Could be Heard in Prison

This is important to know. There are real people in prison, with real emotions, who react very much like you and me.  If you can somehow identify with someone’s situation, it is easier to relate. Going a little deeper, it shows what it is like to do time, from a perspective you may not have considered.

What is your first impression of prison or an AIC (Adult in Custody)? Would it seem to be distant or easy to ignore? How many of your perceptions are based on what the media has told you? What if there is MUCH more to this story? How often have you considered God’s instructions about prisoners….AND orphans?

Matthew 25:36

Psalm 69:33

Psalm 82:3-4

Proverbs 19:17

Today’s story comes from our good friend at Two Rivers Correctional.  Shane leads the worship music at the chapel services and brings an amazing depth of enthusiasm you have to see to fully appreciate. Shane writes great blogs and his Mom does the posting to Facebook. More on that later.

Letters from Shane ~
I can only imagine the words/phrases you would hear if you asked 20 people to describe the kind of individuals one might find in prison. If I am honest, before my Heavenly Father placed me in this city, I too, would have had negative thoughts concerning the hearts of those incarcerated. Thank God, my eyes have been opened.

…that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened,

that you may know what is the hope of His calling

and what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance among the saints,”

Ephesians 1:18

I hope your eyes have been (or will be) opened as well.

I live on a unit with close to 120 men. They age from 18 to 92 years. They represent all levels of education, religion and most likely, the top ten crimes as well. With that in mind, let me tell you what took place in the last three weeks.

…the babies stirred the hearts of not just us,

but of every man on the unit

A red robin mama made her nest in a light just above the weight pile. Within weeks, the sound of cries of her babies could be heard. There are only a select few of us who work out, yet the babies stirred the hearts of not just us, but of every man on the unit. These hardened outlaws, and criminally minded outcasts were collectively inspired by the sounds of baby birds. Before you knew it, food crumbs, and water cups made their way near the nest area so mama robin wouldn’t have to leave the yard. And then with every chance, there came an occasional bird watcher giving greetings just under the nest. I watched the scene play out over and over. I heard conversations at chow, or between cells…”Did they fly yet? Are they okay? How many do you think are up there?”

We witnessed three crash landings

in the midst of our little yard

And then, the day came! The “three amigos” made it out of the nest but weren’t quite strong enough to soar. We witnessed three crash landings in the midst of our little yard. You would think these men were at a rodeo, or sports event. There was clapping, encouraging…coaxing the three to fly. I should tell you, most of these men are anxious types with penned up nervous energy and can hardly stay still! One little bird changed all that!

“Stillness” came across every man!

The runt of the bunch would do his best for days to take flight, especially when the yard first opened. So….some of the time he would fly and land on either a man, or right beside him. Let’s just say, “Stillness” came across every man!

Now you’ve quite possibly had a bird land by you and thought nothing of it, but in this case, it sure made these men feel special. The scene lasted almost four days, and then they soared. One day, I believe they will come back to raise their little ones in the haven of TRCI. Who would have ever thought? I only know our Father knows how to bring out the best in every man, and He did!

Look at the birds of the air, for they do not sow, nor do they reap,

nor gather into barns. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

Are you not much better than they?

Matthew 6:26

Love and blessings,
~Shane Hall


So, what does this story mean for you?  Maybe a glimpse inside those walls was enlightening?  Maybe you could picture this little episode and see how easily hope can be established. What if you could be the carrier of HOPE?

If you have the slightest curiosity of what you might gain (or give) inside a prison, we can easily help you with that. Your next step of delivering HOPE would be to meet some of the men and women we are always talking about.


As soon as current restrictions are lifted Visions of Hope will be back to our normal schedule of prison presentations and we want YOU to be there too. Watch for that announcement or tell me you want to be included.   

BTW- You can follow Shane’s stories at

3 thoughts on “The Cries of Her Babies Could be Heard in Prison”

  1. Hi Shane, I couldn’t get through your story without tears. Thank you for taking the time to describe the joy a family of Robins brought to the inmates. I can see how during this discouraging time of no visitors that God brought feathered visitors to lift your spirits. Years ago my experience as a volunteer at a prison in NY sensitized me to know that we’re all created in the image of God whether on the inside of prison or outside. I appreciate your sharing a wonderfully inspiring and uplifting story from you heart. Blessings, Diane

    1. HI Diane!
      We love it that we are able to share blogs from Shane. He is such an inspiration to the men at TRCI and obviously, you. We miss seeing all our AIC partners, but look forward to the facilities opening soon.
      Thanks for your comments!

  2. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Thank you for sharing this story and loving God’s creation and giving Him the glory for all he has done and is yet to do! We are praying for you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, and those who do not yet know Jesus as Lord! May God continue to use you to touch the lives of others for the gospel!

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