by AIC Timothy Espinoza

I’d say it’s a safe bet that if you randomly approach someone on the street and inquired of them, “Are you doing life?”, they’d probably conclude that you meant something akin to, “Are they really living? Are they doing life to its fullest?”.

Now, from a different perspective, and from a different place, if I were to ask a random stranger tomorrow on the prison yard, “Are you doing life?”, they would naturally deduce that I was referring to the dreaded prison sentence of LIFE.

Four letters with a distinct ability to encompass and experience sorrow, despair, and brokenness, or one of opportunity, hope, and potential. That is a life in the free world.

Confident that whoever reads this is living a life under the latter parameters, may I ask if you’ve heard of a third life? This is one of eternal quality, bursting with inexpressible joy, and wholeness. This is not life by default of natural birth, nor is it the dreaded sentence of LIFE in prison, this one is that life of eternal quality and joy, as a gift found through faith in Jesus.

I am fully confident that me, Visions of Hope and my two sponsored children share this wonderful gift. A gift so great that any other life sentence fades in comparison, even the challenges my sponsored kids, Jasper and Juliette, may face in Uganda.

This is a good time to ask, “what kind of life are you experiencing?”

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